Welcome to Bookishmate! To ensure a safe, respectful, and productive environment for all users, we ask that you follow these guidelines when participating in our Communities and Topics. By using Bookishmate, you agree to adhere to these rules.
Be Kind and Courteous
Treat all members with respect. Healthy debates are encouraged, but kindness is required.
No Hate Speech or Bullying
Bookishmate has a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech, harassment, and bullying. Any form of discrimination or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.
Keep It Clean
Do not post or share any pornographic, sexually explicit, or violent content.
No Illegal Activities
Do not engage in or promote illegal activities, including but not limited to the distribution of pirated materials or illegal substances.
Stay On Topic
Ensure that your posts and comments are relevant to the Community and Topic you are engaging in. Off-topic posts may be removed.
Personal Information
Do not share your own or others' personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers, or financial details.
Respect Copyrights
Do not post content that infringes on copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights. Always give credit to original sources.
No Spamming
Avoid repetitive posting, irrelevant links, and unsolicited advertisements.
If you wish to promote your own content, ensure it adds value to the discussion and is relevant to the Community and Topic.
Value-Added Posts
Share information, ask questions, and provide answers that contribute to the academic and social growth of the community.
Positive Engagement
Encourage and support fellow members. Constructive feedback is welcome, but personal attacks are not.
Report Violations
If you encounter any content or behavior that violates these guidelines, report it to the moderators or Bookishmate support team.
Moderation Decisions
Respect the decisions of moderators. If you have concerns about moderation, please reach out to Bookishmate support.
Warnings and Bans
Users who violate these guidelines may receive warnings, temporary bans, or permanent bans depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.
Content Removal
Posts and comments that violate these guidelines may be removed without prior notice.
Bookishmate is committed to creating a positive and inclusive space for all students. By following these guidelines, you help maintain a community where everyone can learn, share, and grow together.